It’s 12:09am, December 27th. It seems like hours ago it was October and I was telling Ryan that we needed to update our blog site. Now, 3 months later, days short of 2006, I’ve finally decided that we have to do it NOW and thus, even though it’s late and I really should be sleeping, here I am. In a few paragraphs we’re going to try to share with you September, October, November and December.
In September we worked in a primarily Muslim country in Asia. For the protection of the believers who are often persecuted for their faith we won’t mention the country name. We were challenged and encouraged by the strength and faith of the believers who serve God no matter what. We interviewed a young man who received the Book of Hope and became a Christian. Today he feels God’s call to ministry. We were challenged in our faith and it was an incredible experience to get to know the believers and the country they are reaching for the Lord.
Next, we met one of our Nomad (intern) teams in Taiwan. Taiwan’s culture is integrated with their religious beliefs, mainly Taoism or Confucianism, and some Buddhism. They have an incredibly hard work ethic and their young people are pushed to succeed and be the very best academically. The stress and pressure they face is tough. The students received the