Friday, July 01, 2005

Our First Fourth of July

We're back in Fla. just in time for the 4th of July. But before we get to that -- what was England like?
As most of you know, we carry a burden in our hearts for the children and youth of England. Most of them grow up thinking that religion is dead, that it belongs in a museum. That it is all tradition and no application. What a joy it was to not only plant the seed of God's Word but to also see it come to fruition.
We were able to take the same church team (only bigger this year) to the same community to work with the same church as last year. Our relationships were strengthened and the impact on the community was even greater. We worked primarily in elementary schools, sharing God's love with the children and giving them the Book of Hope. The children were so precious.
In one of the schools we went to, one of the team members shared about her father's death 2 years ago and how it made her sad. She told the children that God helped her to smile again and to be happy again even though she would always miss her dad. After the assembly one little girl began to cry. She told her teachers that her parents had split up the week before but she was afraid to tell anyone. When she heard Maris speak about her life, she knew that she didn't want to be sad anymore.
At one of the high schools where we ministered it seemed that everytime we turned around, the team was able to pray with students and even a teacher to accept Christ. Their stories are very impacting. The seed of God's Word was planted and definitely fell on fertile ground this year. God had prepared the hearts of children and young people ~ and for that we say thank you to you ~ all who prayed for us and continue to pray for us on each trip. You never know what God is going to do or how he is going to work.
We are grateful for your prayers and financial support. We were blessed to arrive home and find some surprise financial gifts. God is so good because His provision comes right when you need it. Thank you!

And where to now, well we are off to the Philippines in just a few weeks. We'll be leading a team of volunteers from Las Vegas and continue our trip with follow-up when they return home. We are very excited to experience this part of the world and share God's love with many, many children and young people. We invite you to go on this journey with us through your prayers...they are much needed and make all the difference.

And...if any of you are interested in going on a short term missions trip (for 10 days...6 weeks...4 months...1 year..or longer) let us know. We have teams that are going around the world throughout the year to share God's Word and His love with children. But just to warn you, you won't come back the same. We never do :-).

Now, what about the title of this article? Well, this is Ryan and my first 4th of July together in the States. We are really looking forward to thanking God for our country and celebrating with all of you. Yea!

Blessings and Love Always,

Ryan and Jen Smith

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